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Hi-Fi Choice  |  Jun 17, 2024  |  0 comments
The Sonus faber Lumina I is an improbably talented small speaker. Can the Lumina II bottle the same magic?
Hi-Fi Choice  |  May 20, 2024  |  0 comments
Triangle’s affordable standmount has already impressed. What can the floorstander do?
Hi-Fi Choice  |  Apr 29, 2024  |  0 comments
The Lumina I is both the smallest and most affordable Sonus faber speaker available, but how does it measures up?
Hi-Fi Choice  |  Mar 18, 2024  |  0 comments
With a foot in both the professional and consumer world, a legend of old reveals a timely refresh
Hi-Fi Choice  |  Mar 14, 2024  |  0 comments
The hummingbird-inspired standmount from New Zealand takes flight
Hi-Fi Choice  |  Mar 11, 2024  |  0 comments
Hit the great outdoors with this compact and versatile portable
Hi-Fi Choice  |  Feb 19, 2024  |  0 comments
B&O comes pretty close to portable perfection
Hi-Fi Choice  |  Feb 16, 2024  |  0 comments
How B&W has managed to finesse the original 606 quite so effectively?
Hi-Fi Choice  |  Feb 15, 2024  |  0 comments
JBL turns the clock back for another retro classic in the making
Hi-Fi Choice  |  Jan 16, 2024  |  0 comments
System Audio has hard-bitten audiophiles in its sights, but can wireless speakers hit the spot?
Hi-Fi Choice  |  Jan 15, 2024  |  0 comments
Even by the standards of compact speakers the M20 is small. but how does it fare?
Hi-Fi Choice  |  Jan 15, 2024  |  0 comments
Celebrating 25 years as the entry point to B&W’s speakers, this one has a commendable sense of occasion
Hi-Fi Choice  |  Dec 18, 2023  |  0 comments
Neat's floorstander builds on recent design philosophy, but fills a slightly different role
Hi-Fi Choice  |  Dec 14, 2023  |  0 comments
You might need to move a few things around to accommodate this giant standmount, but it’s well worth the effort
